Petra Kors
Balance in health, private life and work
As a complementary therapist specialized in the BATC methodology, I work according to the five nature-oriented principles that promote a holistic approach to health. These principles are: 1. Energy: The basis of life and the core of my treatments. Without energy, healing cannot take place. 2. Stimulus transmission: Essential for communication within the body and for the functioning of all body systems. 3. Drainage: Removing waste products is crucial to relieve the body and promote recovery. 4. Nutrition: The right nutrition supports and nourishes the body at the cellular level. 5. Mental Wellbeing: A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body; I also support clients mentally and emotionally. As a BATC therapist, I offer tailor-made treatments, aimed at improving and maintaining your health. Most therapeutic treatments are fully or partially reimbursed by health insurers through supplementary insurance.
Coach name:
Reis van het leven
Fenacoliuslaan 102, 3143 AE Maassluis, Nederland
Practical information
Encounter type:
Online and Physical
Group form:
Group and private
Treated on location:
In practice and on location
MBK ,PSBK,Hypnotherapie, verlies en rouw, EMDR, Counseling, Stressbeheersing, Keurmerk coach bij kanker, Psycho oncologisch therapeut, tafelopstellingen, reiki master, reset je hormonen expert, positieve gezondheid
Vanaf 42,50 per 30 minuten
Professional association:
Since 1994
Balance in health, private life and work
Forms of therapy
· Wandeltherapie
· Vrouwencirkels
· Voetreflexologie
· Voedingsadvies
· Verslavingstherapie
· Traumaverwerking
· Traumatherapie
· Rouwverwerking rouwbegeleiding
· Retraites / overnachtingen / b&b / bijzondere verblijven
· Relatietherapie
· Mental coaching
· Klankschalen therapie
· Hypnotherapie
· Holistische therapie
· HSP coaching
· Gesprekstherapie
· EMDR – eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
· Cognitieve gedragstherapie
· Visualisaties
I offer help with
· Resolve a complaint.
· Seeking more self-confidence or self-love.
· I have a trauma and need help.
· I want to overcome an addiction.
· I want to get out of my head and find myself.
· I want to discover my life purpose.
My message to the world
“Be inspired, motivated and grow personally”

Please contact
Petra Kors
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