Yaël Konings
Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the world
Raw, pure, powerful and loving photography of real moments. Unposed, in the moment, capturing someone's sparkle. I don't photograph people, but souls. That's why you generally don't see a time limit on my shoots, I take the time necessary to ensure that you can land and sink into your own energy. So that you really get the feeling that it is not a stranger looking through a lens, but a trusted friend. So I'm not going to tell you to hold your hand somewhere, turn your face, or look at the camera. I will ask you about your favorite music that you dance to, meditate or relax to, and I will turn it on for you. I will also sometimes ask you some deeper questions during the shoot, so that you can connect with your strength but also your vulnerability. In addition to photographing families, I focus a lot on self-love shoots where I want to empower women, connect them with their feminine energy and beauty and embrace the imperfections, if you can call them that. I also try to help female entrepreneurs who are involved in the alternative work field to publicize their mission through my Women empower Women shoots, which I consciously keep financially accessible. Because the world is so much more beautiful with beautiful women who are involved in healing, spirituality, body work and so many other beautiful things!
Coach name:
Mamas in het Wild
Doctor Jaegersstraat 56, 6417 CK Heerlen, Nederland
Practical information
Encounter type:
Online and Physical
Group form:
Group and private
Treated on location:
At any location
Dutch, English
150-250 per shoot
Professional association:
+/- 1 year
Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the world
Forms of therapy
I offer help with
My message to the world
By making intimate portraits, I want to empower women, connect women with their feminine energy and experience and feel their own beauty again. The strength lies precisely in the feminine vulnerable side💛
Please contact
Yaël Konings
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